25 April 2009

come along and show me something


Things I Love Thursaturday

  • The above, for emphasis.
  • The interesting perspective on life that sets in after functioning on three hours sleep for three days.
  • Best friends. Being so close that you don't have to say anything, and you both know it. Hilarious emails. Sitting on the roof at sunset talking about life. Late-night runs for snacks at the Muddhole. Being awake together at 4am writing thesis. Commiserating. Making sexual innuendos far too often. Laughing until your stomach aches.
  • Boyfriends. Being open in public after a month of successful stealth. Enjoying the looks we get. "Those two?"
  • Lying in bed together on a lazy Friday afternoon with the sun pouring on the floor and the breeze tickling the curtains.
  • Being home, if only for 40 hours. Hanging out with my sister. Taking pictures of a throng of glamorous 17 year old couples in prom dresses and tuxedos. Making soup. Sleeping until the end of time.
  • Quesadillas. With chicken. I can't believe I went 21 years without them.
  • Music of the week: Stadium Arcadium by Red Hot Chili Peppers, Illinoize (remix) by Tor + Sufjan Stevens, G Sides by Gorillaz, Future Perfect by Autolux

    16 April 2009

    its time to fly

    Things I Love Thursday


    Image credit: Hedi Slimane

  • laptops that survive drowning. last thursday I accidentally knocked a vase on my desk, which poured a stream of water onto my laptop. i immediately pulled out all the cords and power supply as the thing fizzled, went black and became completely unresponsive. after spending twenty-four hours in front of my radiator, it only needed a new $130 battery, and considering what could've happened (busted keyboard, ruined screen, lost data, complete death) this is amazing. i think i would have had a panic attack if my year-old computer died two weeks before thesis was due.
  • jamba juice smoothies
  • cancelled classes; weekends that start on wednesday afternoons
  • talking about number theory and religion with my tattoo artist in an bright, empty room
  • working out for the first time in ages, feeling endorphins pumping
  • studying all Sunday afternoon in a courtyard in the most blissful warm breezy weather
  • impromptu lunches with mudd guy friends who just come over and sit down/talk
  • going to Trader Joes and buying whatever I wanted, which happened to be: chocolate chips, nonfat Fage yogurt, carrot muffins, blackberries, Goddess dressing
  • dresses, dresses, dresses
  • music of the week: g. love & special sauce, my fabulous "chill" playlist

    Thesis countdown: 8 days.

    09 April 2009

    so kiss me goodbye


    Things I Love Thursday

  • Illicit springtime romances. Being vulnerable. Learning about yourself. Unfolding someone else, getting deep down inside them. Seeing how far you've come in the last few years.
  • Cutting roses from the rose garden that is less than ten feet from my dorm.
  • Brazilian waxes. Yes, they suck to get, but ohhhh so smooth. I'd recommend trying it at least once in your life... if only so the hair grows back softer and finer. Promise.
  • Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with thesis! Two weeks left!
  • Going to the beach in the evening. Sinking into cold wet sand, feeling black water pulse against your shins, looking up at the stars, looking back at the twinkling lights of Los Angeles. Standing on the edge of a continent.
  • Weird cloudy warmish chilly chuckling weather. I've said it once, I'll say it again: WTF California.
  • Chipotle! I hadn't been in so long. Once in a while it definitely hits some kind of spot.
  • Music of the week: Cobra Starship, Gym Class Heroes, Good Day by Nappy Roots, Norah Jones, Jack Johnson, Elliott Smith, Rodrigo y Gabriela

    02 April 2009

    and all my homies look fly today

    Things I Love Thursday

  • Boys. That's all I'll say.
  • Swapping music and getting a thousand new songs. It'll take me about a year to sort through them, let them settle, sink down, attach. I love knowing there are new things for me to discover in my iTunes whenever I feel like it. There's no rush.
  • Talking to random people in the cafeteria line.
  • Versace Bright Crystal. This is my "signature scent". I got it for Christmas a year ago, and I still haven't grown tired of it. When I read descriptions for perfumes I thought I'd like something woodsy, musky, deep, mysterious... something like my personality. When I went to sample them I was surprised that they were so not me, some were positively repulsive. The only ones I liked were all the floral, pink, girly ones. So it goes. Maybe I don't know myself at all. Or maybe perfumes just don't easily correlate to personalities.
  • Turning in a draft of my thesis to my readers! Okay, so while it is 75 pages it is 75 pages of mostly crap. A lot of [research this more] and [need legit citation] and unfinished paragraphs. I bet half of it is quotes. I'm not even sure what I'm arguing anymore. I'm kind of dreading hearing back from them, but until I do I'm kind of taking a break and letting it sink in. I wrote all of that in basically two weeks. Due: three weeks tomorrow.
  • The LA River! Did you even know there is an LA River? It once was a real, earthy, flowing river, but in the 1930s the government lined it with concrete to prevent floods, and it has since deteriorated into a filthy, toxic, forgotten landscape. There are efforts to restore it, remove the concrete, and turn it into a 51-mile riverfront that you can actually enjoy. My Water in the West took a field trip there yesterday, with a guide from the nonprofit group Friends of the Los Angeles River. We went to four different locations on the river, and at the end we actually drove in to the place where famous car chase scenes have been filmed (Grease, Terminator 2, etc). Finally being at the river after studying it for a year was really meaningful. I felt a strange connection to it. I'm excited for its future.





